The federal government proposes to limit Canada's production and distribution of medical marijuana to a new network of licensed, commercial-scale growers and phase out home-based grows.

In my humble option on the commercial scale growers in Canada is to look no further than what happened after prohibition. We still have not learned from our past.

The Care to this topic is pure economics. First, this government does not make the proper strains. Thus, this government has no idea of what they are doing. All over the internet many people are stating that Canada will not make a move unless the USA agrees to our proposal. Sad when you have to look at our good friends in the USA. This should of been legalized for medical years ago. The lumber, fabric, cotton, alcohol distillery and other companies that forced the government to make ALL types of Cannabis illegal.

Now it is big business to big to fail. Think about it ... being illegal the economics in the reinforcement of our laws is so expensive and it is not ever going to win. We know this. All of us know this, no matter what we think the realities of the exotics around Marrissa has to change. In BC the reinforcement is bore of ... stopping the bad guys from robbing the good guys’ pot. So now, someone in government comes up with going backwards?

I can see the police are under equipped to preserved the peace when large gangs rob from the small self contained "LAW-abiding" I may add Canadian citizens. Did you know that different strains of marijuana help different problems within the human body. There for giving this to large industry defeats the purpose. NOW, let’s look at this as like prohibition.  You will never stop the home grow op. Never … it’s just a fact. So embrace it and make some extra income for law enforcement to go after METH LABS and chemicals that are extremely positions to our society.

1)    License area grow ops that look after peoples own crops. "These grow ops will have 24/7 security (live security) along with video cams. ONLY ONE and ONE ALLOWED NO big time business corp.

2)    Anyone applying to own said grow op will have to complete a Timed Test on the health benefits of growing a plant without so much chemicals and electricity.

3)    There is always at least TWO plan cloths undercover customers of EACH grow up. These people will be rotated out on a yearly manure without rotating to another grow op … one grow op per officer ... this would be a learning time for each one of the officers.

4)    Monty inspections of each grow up for not following the chemical and fertilization standards set. Each undercover officer will have reviews each quarter to assure the officer is not involved in any illegal activity.

5)    Pollution standards MUST BE SET ... almost like the dry cleaning business and how they handle deadly toxins such as fertilizers.

I have the right to ask that the Government of Canada improve the rules and regulations around Marijuana but whatever you do, do not give in to big business .. it will be corrupted before it even gets started. You think the gang wars are bad ... my gosh ... This is big business, like it or not, and the government needs to be in control of it. Not some wealthy aristocrat! The profits can go into fighting crime on all levels of government. Every criminal knows and understands ... just to prosecute one crime costs around $20,000.00 — now think about this .... so this looks like over 20 percent of my tax dollars go into the legal system; EXPENSIVE to maintain but necessary. Chemicals are the big problem right now. Let’s go after the big problem.

KEEP it Government ... KEEP it profitable for the Government and help those that need this treatment. Market it, make money and get the gangs out of it. JUST make sure the doctors are complying with the rules.

Thanks for your time.